2015 – Ta Ha (Q. 20)


In 2015 we read and discussed Sura Ta ha.

A Meccan sura that both begins and ends with mention of the Quran: it was not sent to the Prophet to cause him grief but is a clear proof from his Lord. The example of Moses is given as a lengthy account in order to encourage the Prophet and show the end of the disbelievers. The destruction of earlier generations is cited as a lesson from which the disbelievers should learn. The Prophet is ordered to be patient and to persevere with his worship.

Completion Connect
Completion Connect
Completion Connect
Starts 10.01.25: The term 2 timetable is now on the website. Click on London Academy for full course details and to register.
The dates are on the website for Term 2  Sura Joseph (Q. 12) at Waterstones in Central London. Click on Q-Club for details.
Starts 13.01.25: Registration for the new 'Road to Ramadan 2025' short course is now open, click on London Short Course for full course details and to register.
Starts 12.01.25: Registration for the new ‘Q-Symposium 2025’ day course is now open. Click on for full course details and to register.
Registration for term 2, beginning on 11th January  2025, at Hazelwick School is open. Click on Kids’ Academy for full details and to register.
The next session is on  14 January 2025. It will cover Suras al-Qadr (Q. 97) and al-Bayyina (Q. 98). Registration for the online Zoom course is open.
Click on latest to see our latest announcements and follow us on social media.
Starts 10.01.25: The term 2 timetable is now on the website. Click on London Academy for full course details and to register.
The dates are on the website for Term 2  Sura Joseph (Q. 12) at Waterstones in Central London. Click on Q-Club for details.
Starts 13.01.25: Registration for the new 'Road to Ramadan 2025' short course is now open, click on London Short Course for full course details and to register.
Starts 12.01.25: Registration for the new ‘Q-Symposium 2025’ day course is now open. Click on for full course details and to register.
Registration for term 2, beginning on 11th January  2025, at Hazelwick School is open. Click on Kids’ Academy for full details and to register.
The next session is on  14 January 2025. It will cover Suras al-Qadr (Q. 97) and al-Bayyina (Q. 98). Registration for the online Zoom course is open.
Click on latest to see our latest announcements and follow us on social media.