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Parables are an important literary device employed by the Qur’an, and this year’s CEI Qur’an conference aims to explore five stories pertaining to the concept of ‘Power’.
Five teachers will read five different passages of the Qur’an, to highlight five very different perceptions and manifestations of power. Each session will attempt to highlight the practical and relevant lessons these verses contain as well as drawing attention to the style in which the Qur’an presents its message.
Parables are an important literary device employed by the Qur’an, and the first CEI Qur’an conference explored five stories pertaining to the concept of ‘Power’. Five teachers read five different passages of the Qur’an, to highlight five very different perceptions and manifestations of power. Each session highlighted the practical and relevant lessons these verses contain as well as drawing attention to the style in which the Qur’an presents its message.
Five sessions, Five teachers, Five parables, Five different passages of the Qur’an.
Session 1: The Underdog (Q. 2:246-251)
Session 2: The Just Ruler (Q. 18:82-102)
Session 3: Wealth (Q. 68:17-33)
Session 4: The Oppressor (Q. 28:76-83)
Session 5: The Tyrant (Q. 28:29-43)
The sessions were taught by:
- Shaykh Samir al-Nass
- Ustadh Haroon Hanif
- Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam
- Ustadh Thaqib Mehmood
- Dr Saquib Ashraf