2018 – Signs


The fifth annual CEI Qur’an Conference explores some of the signs (ayah) presented in Q.26 ‘The Poets’.

The Sura will be broken into passages, broadly demarcated by the refrain verses (Q.26:8-9). Various teachers will present the themes contained within a given passage and the passage’s place within the structure of the Sura.

During the day, we will reflect on the signs and practical lessons contained in each of the prophetic stories mentioned in this Sura, as well as Qur’anic signs more generally, particularly those relating to the following broad categories: Revelations, Miracles, Historical Signs, Cosmic Signs and the Natural World.




The fifth annual CEI Qur’an Conference explored some of the signs (aya) presented in Q.26 ‘The Poets’.

The Sura was broken into passages, broadly demarcated by the refrain verses (Q.26:8-9). Various teachers presented the themes contained within a given passage and the passage’s place within the structure of the Sura.

London Subjects
London Subjects


There will be three sessions with prayer and refreshment breaks. The sura will be broken into the following passages, and various teachers will present the themes and structure of this sura according to this division. During the course of the day, we will reflect on the signs and practical lessons contained in each of the prophetic stories mentioned in this sura, as well as Qur’anic signs generally, Such as those usually summarised as: Revelation, Miracles, Historical Signs, Cosmic Signs and The Natural World.

Completion Connect
Completion Connect
Completion Connect
Completion Connect
Completion Connect
London Sketch
Starts 13.01.25: Registration for the new 'Road to Ramadan 2025' short course is now open, click on London Short Course for full course details and to register.
starts 12.01.25: Registration for the new ‘Q-Symposium 2025’ day course is now open, click on for full course details. Click on register to join.
Registration for term 2, beginning on 11th January  2025, at Hazelwick School is open. Click on Kids’ Academy for full details and to register.
The Next Session is 14 January 2025. We will continue on Juzz Amma, focusing on Suras al-Qadr (Q. 97) and al-Bayyina (Q. 98). Registration for this online Zoom course is open.
Click on latest to see our latest announcements and follow us on social media.
Starts 13.01.25: Registration for the new 'Road to Ramadan 2025' short course is now open, click on London Short Course for full course details and to register.
starts 12.01.25: Registration for the new ‘Q-Symposium 2025’ day course is now open, click on for full course details. Click on register to join.
Registration for term 2, beginning on 11th January  2025, at Hazelwick School is open. Click on Kids’ Academy for full details and to register.
The Next Session is 14 January 2025. We will continue on Juzz Amma, focusing on Suras al-Qadr (Q. 97) and al-Bayyina (Q. 98). Registration for this online Zoom course is open.
Click on latest to see our latest announcements and follow us on social media.