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Click on a year below for full details of the three short courses held in that particular year.
During this academic year the following short course were taught:- Term 1: Live of Man and Hikham Term 2: Road to Ramadan (Coming soon to London Short Course) Term 3: Not currently available Click for more details about each course.
During this academic year the following short course were taught:- Term 1: Metaphoria Term 2: Road to Ramadan (Current London Short Course) Term 3: Coming Soon Click for more details about each course.
During this academic year the following 3 three short course were taught:- Term 1: Understand Your Prayer Term 2: Road to Ramadan Term 3: Openings Click for more details about each course.
During this academic year the following 3 three short course were taught:- Term 1: Lives of Man and Hikam Term 2: Miracalous Five, Term 3: Lowered Voices Click for more details about each course.
During this academic year the following 3 three short course were taught:- Term 1: The Beloved of God, Term 2: Signs in Q. 26, Term 3: Persistence. Click for more details about each course.
During this academic year the following 3 three short course were taught:- Term 1: Understand your Prayer, Term 2: Metaphoria, Term 3: Purification of the Heart. Click for more details about each course.
During this academic year the following 3 three short course were taught:- Term 1: Lives of Man and Man of many words, Term 2: Prayers in the Quran, Term 3: Road to Ramadan and beyond. Click for more details about each course.
During this academic year the following 3 three short course were taught:- Term 1: Joseph (Q. 12) and Sira, Term 2: Mosaic tales, Term 3: Ramadan the Month of Taqwa. Click for more details about each course.
During this academic year the following 3 three short course were taught:- Term 1: Fatiha, Term 2: Prophet Muhammad (s) in the Qur'an, Term 3: Road to Ramadan. Click for more details about each course.
During this academic year the following 3 three short course were taught:- Term 1: Hikam and Lives of Man, Term 2: Juz Amma and the Prophets of Resolve in the Qur'an, Term 3: Road to Ramadan. Click for more details about each course.